Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player

Flash Player 11 brings hardware-accelerated graphics support to the platform. There should be no doubt that Apple's decision to block Flash from iOS in favor of HTML5 has spurred Adobe to make sure that its media-rich content-building tool and player Flash remains competitive.
According to Adobe, the new Stage3D technology in the new Flash Player brings combined 2D and 3D acceleration that is up to 1,000 times faster than the previous Flash iterations. While currently Stage3D is supported only for personal computers, it should make its way to mobile devices in future Flash releases. The advancements offered by Stage3D should bring far more complex graphics development for the player, and allow some developers to use it as a viable alternative for their projects, especially for cross-platform efforts.
In addition to accelerated graphics, Flash Player 11 now is natively in 64-bit code on all supported platforms, which will allow it to better integrate with browsers and plug-ins that are coded in 64-bit. This along with a slew of new enhancements for developers in terms of security improvements, media handling, and better JavaScript integration will enhance the player's use for future development. Flash also comes baked into Google Chrome, and therefore the Chrome OS that powers Google's Chromebooks.

Adobe Flash Player is a client runtime that delivers high-quality content to your computer and it works with virtually all browsers out there. Flash Player remains a key element of the Internet and has now evolved to conquer every operating system, every browser, and every portable device, including mobile phones and tablets. There's no interface, but users still get some tiny windows through which they can customize a set of options, including hardware acceleration for better performance and privacy preferences.

With the Adobe Flash Player runtime installed, you will be able to access streaming content of the highest quality and smoothly play HD videos right inside your browser's window. The best thing of all is that Flash Player works with most popular browsers out there, including Internet Explorer 6.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and above, Google Chrome, Safari 4.0 and above and Opera 9.5 and above.

Adobe Flash Player 11

Hardware requirements should be met by any modern computer, although some old workstations might encounter some performance issues while accessing websites built exclusively in Flash or during the playback of large, high-quality Flash movies. This client runtime manages to bring high-quality content directly on your computer without requiring any interaction. An important part of the World Wide Web relies on Adobe Flash Player, so this is clearly a must-have utility for every fresh copy of Windows.

Mac users take note: Flash requires OS X 10.6 or later running on an Intel platform since Adobe removed support for PowerPC Macs in Flash 10.
Although it's possible that HTML5 will at some point unseat Flash as the dominant code for media on the Web, that won't happen for a while yet since HTML5 standards haven't even been finalized. The Flash Player is a must if you want to experience the Web at its fullest, so users at any level of expertise should have no qualms about installing or upgrading.

Flash Player 11 is a lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices. Adobe Flash Player software is a cross-platform browser plug-in that delivers breakthrough web experiences and is installed on more than 98% of Internet-connected desktops. Adobe Flash Player 11 explores a new architecture for high-performance 2D/3D GPU hardware accelerated graphics rendering by Adobe, which provides low-level Stage3D APIs for advanced rendering in apps and gives framework developers classes of interactive experiences. Flash Player is optimized for high performance on mobile screens and designed to take advantage of native device capabilities, enabling richer and more immersive user experiences.

Try it by Download rigth now..

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