Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Camfrog Video Chat

Camfrog Video Chat

Camfrog Video Chat, If you're sick of hopping from one chatware program to another, looking for the perfect mix of video, audio, and text socializing, CamFrog might be what you're looking for.
The chat rooms feature everything from music lessons to sign language to non-English chatting, and integrating video, audio, and text components are a great leap forward for chat communities since a Webcam is not a requirement. Be warned, though: There's also a slew of X-rated chat rooms--this is not a program that kids should use without supervision.

The interface should be familiar to anyone who has used any messaging software. You can create your own chat room and password-protect it, and the Contacts list has a section for favorite rooms and one-click contact adding, user searching, and profile management. New in Version 5 is high-resolution video support, interface tweaks, and the ability to send little "virtual gifts" to both friends and anonymous recipients that borders on the annoying.
Cautious users should note that the install includes several toolbars and a Weather Channel widget, which you can opt out of. Despite those drawbacks, if you're looking for a well-trafficked video chat program that serves a diverse community, CamFrog is cool place to land.

Camfrog Video Chat allows you to join real streaming video chat rooms where you can hear, see, and chat with many people at a time. It is videoconferencing software works behind most firewalls and routers. Camfrog Video Chat allows multi-user videoconferencing where you can join a room with up to 1000 users and just click a user name to begin seeing someone. Press the 'talk' button to talk to the entire room with audio. The video chat rooms are hosted by broadband users who are running the Camfrog Video Chat Room Server software so any user can set up their own multi-user video conference for other users to join.
What's new in this version: Version 6.2 includes group operations in the contact list.

Just like its name suggests, Camfrog Video Chat is specifically designed to allow users to interact with other people, thus its strong points focus on advanced chatting and video functions as well as streamlined high quality audio and video broadcast. This chat tool is flagged as Ad-supported on Softpedia as a result of its bundled third-party software. You are also required to register at the end of it in case you don't posses a registered user.

Camfrog Video Chat Pro


The main window, which is actually the contact list, looks just like the one we’ve seen in instant messaging tools such as the ones developed by Yahoo or Microsoft. If you wish, you can connect to video chat rooms where you can meet new people and discuss in a very organized environment.

Camfrog Video Chat works pretty easy and its simple and intuitive interface makes the whole thing a lot easier. You don’t need a super computer to run it, but keep in mind that you’ll most likely need a webcam as many chat rooms require users such a piece of hardware in order to be allowed to join the chat.

Camfrog Video Chat provides users with some nifty features such as the ability to start their own video chat rooms or take part in multi-user videoconferences. The webcam chat software doesn't really stand out of the crowd, but it surely brings the right tools in its bag. If you ever find yourself in need of meeting new people, Camfrog Video Chat will provide the environment for that.

Better you Download and try this best Video Chat Software immediatly .

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